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September 10:

Armin Week is only a few days away! Check out our Posting instructions, as well as our Prompts page, Rules, and FAQ for everything you need to know!

Armin Week Countdown


    April 3 - May 15


    Prompt submissions are now closed.

    May 16 - June 1


    The voting period has ended.

    June 16 - Sept. 14


    During this period, you may:

    • See the choices of prompts for each Armin Week day.

    • Create any type of fanwork based on the prompts you like best.

    • Mix and match prompts.

    Sept 15 - Sept 22


    During this period, you may:

    • Share your works with the world on the day of the relevant prompt.

    • Post on AO3, X (Twitter), Tumblr, or Bluesky.

    • Tag us on social media and use the hashtag #ArminWeek2024.

    • Add your AO3 works to our collection – fanfiction and fanart alike.

    • Cheer on your fellow creators.


    Is Welcome:

    • Any type of fan creativity, e.g., fanfiction, fanart, headcanons, cosplay, musical composition, macaroni art.

    • Any relationship, whether it's romantic or platonic, or no relationship (Armin-focused only).

    • Any genre, trope, or rating (see below for rules about Explicit works).

    • Any skill level.

    • Any length/complexity. Armin loves doodles and ficlets too!

    Is not Welcome:

    • Any character bashing (works exploring flawed characters in all their complexity are welcome).

    • Any type of AI generated content, may it be images, audio, or text.

    • Any works that include materials you don't own the rights to, such as a moodboard for which you used images you didn't create yourself.

    Code of Conduct

    We're passionate about Armin, and when passion is involved, strong emotions are felt. We understand how frustrating it can be to share a fandom space with people who have opinions we firmly disagree with, but we want this event to be inclusive and safe. During Armin week, all ships and headcanons are valid and welcome, so long as they celebrate Armin. As such:

    • No shaming, bullying, or harassment will be tolerated.

    • We recommend not engaging with posts or works that are about a ship, headcanon, or trope you dislike.

    • We encourage keyword muting on social media to avoid seeing posts about your NOTPs.

    Explicit and Potentially Triggering Works and Posts

    • Minors are forbidden from creating and engaging with works and posts of a sexually explicit nature.

    • All posts and works of an explicit and/or potentially triggering nature must be identified, tagged, and/or warned as such.


    If anyone is found to break one of the above-rules, actions will be taken. Depending on the gravity, the person will either get a warning, or see all of their posts and works removed from the Armin Week social media accounts and collections.For any questions regarding the information on this page, please contact us.



    The creation period has officially begun! Check out our Rules and FAQ for everything you need to know!

    SFW Prompts:

    • Day 1 (Sept 15): Anxiety / Panic Attacks OR Cat Café

    • Day 2 (Sept 16): EMA OR Arranged Marriage

    • Day 3 (Sept 17): Nerd Armin OR Exploring the Outside World

    • Day 4 (Sept 18): Childhood OR Friends to Lovers

    • Day 5 (Sept 19): Highschool / College AU OR Dad Armin

    • Day 6 (Sept 20): Bunny Armin OR Cadet Corps Shenanigans

    • Day 7 (Sept 21): "All eyes are on you, Mr. ambassador" OR Haircut

    • Day 8 (Sept 22): Blind / Deaf Armin OR Birthday

    NSFW Prompts:

    • Day 1 (Sept 15): Inexperienced / First Time OR Biting

    • Day 2 (Sept 16): Submissive Armin OR Aphrodisiacs

    • Day 3 (Sept 17): "Be gentle with me" OR Overstimulation

    • Day 4 (Sept 18): Library Sex OR Warming Up After a Cold Night

    • Day 5 (Sept 19): "For you, anything" OR Sex in Uniforms

    • Day 6 (Sept 20): Touch Starved OR Ocean / Beach Sex

    • Day 7 (Sept 21): Assertive Armin OR Devotion / Obsession

    • Day 8 (Sept 22): Bondage OR Public / Semi-Public Sex


    1. Why can't I see all the prompts I submitted in the voting form?

    It could be because:

    • It was similar to another prompt that was already submitted. Resolution: we combined them.

    • I didn't easily apply to both art and writing. Resolution: we either reworded it or removed it.

    • It could only apply to one specific ship or sexual orientation. Resolution: we either reworded it or removed it.

    • It was too specific (e.g. "Character X does Y with Character Z, while Armin watches"). Resolution: we removed it.

    If none of the above apply, it's possible it was a human error and the prompt was accidentally deleted. Our sincere apologies. 💙

    2. Do I have to take the prompts literally?

    Nope! As long as the prompt's essence is incorporated in your works, you may be as creative as you like.

    3. May I combine prompts?

    Absolutely! Mix and match to your heart's content. You may use multiple prompts from one day or combine prompts from multiple days.

    4. May I use SFW prompts to create NSFW works? (and vice versa)

    Yes! As long as it's properly tagged, go wild.

    5. I finished my works late; may I still post them?

    Please do! We would love to see them 💙

    6. Is Armin the best character in the whole wide world?

    Well, duh!